List of Publications: The overview of ILU expertise.
Order is everything, especially in science. Only those who know what is where can draw on their full knowledge. Who in the ILU team has published what, or in what form, can be found here.
Publications by ILU staff members
For the year 2022
Walter S, Zehring J, Mink K, Quendt U, Zocher K, Rohn S
Protein content of peas (Pisum sativum) and beans (Vicia faba) – Influence of genotype and ecophysiological factors in a German sample set of the cultivation years 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2022; 105: 104257
Kunz BM, Pförtner L, Weigel S, Rohn S, Lehmacher A, Maul R
Growth and toxin production of ochratoxin A and phomopsin A forming fungi under different storage conditions in a pea (Pisum sativum) model system.
Mycotoxin Research 2022; 38: 37-50
Keil C, Grebenteuch S, Kröncke N, Kulow F, Pfeif S, Kanzler C, Rohn S, Boeck G, Benning R, Haase H
Systematic Studies on the Antioxidant Capacity and Volatile Compound Profile of Yellow Mealworm Larvae (Tenebrio molitor L.) under Different Drying Regimes.
Insects 2022; 13: 166
Zehring J, Walter S, Quendt U, Zocher K, Rohn S
Phytic acid content of faba beans (Vicia faba) – annual and variety effects, and influence of organic cultivation.
Agronomy 2022; 12: 889
For the year 2021
Scientific publications
Pleissner D., Krieg C., Peinemann JC.
Utilization of digested sewage sludge in lactic acid fermentation
Detritus Journal 2021, 14, 48-52
Link zur Veröffentlichung
Hensel B., Jakob U., Scheinpflug K., Schröter F., Sandmann M., Mühldorfer K., Schulze M.
Low temperature preservation: Influence of putative bioactive microalgae and hop extracts on sperm quality and bacterial load in porcine semen
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2021, Volume 19, April 2021, 100359
Almendinger M., Saalfrank F., Rohn S., Kurth E., Springer M., Pleissner D.
Characterization of selected microalgae and cyanobacteria as sources of compounds with antioxidant capacity Algal Research 2021, Volume 53, March 2021, 102168
Kunz BM, Voß A., Dalichow J., Weigel S., Rohn S., Maul R.
Impact of Experimental Thermal Processing of Artificially Contaminated Pea Products on Ochratoxin A and Phomopsin A.
Mycotoxin Research 2021; 37: 63-78
Grebenteuch S., Kanzler C., Klaußnitzer S., Rohn S.
The formation of methyl ketones during lipid oxidation at elevated temperatures.
Molecules 2021; 26: 1104
Fischer J., Treblin M., Sitz T., Rohn S.
Development of a targeted-HPLC-ESI-QqQ-MS/MS method for the quantification of sulfolipids from a cyanobacterium, selected leafy vegetables, and a microalgae specie.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2021; 413: 1941-1954
Krell M., Cvancar L., Poloczek M., Hanschen FS., Rohn S.
Determination of isothiocyanate-protein conjugates in a vegetable-enriched bread.
Foods 2021; 10: 1300
Sandmann M., Smetana S., Heinz V., Rohn S.
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of two different photobioreactor setups for the production of bioactive, algal-based extracts.
Bioresource Technology 2021; 340: 125657
Schafberg M., Loest K., Müller-Belecke A., Rohn S.
Pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with an alternative microorganism mix for reducing fish meal and oil – Fishes’ growth performances and quality traits.
Foods 2021; 10: 1799
Grebenteuch S., Kroh LW., Drusch S., Rohn S.
Formation of Secondary and Tertiary Volatile Compounds Resulting from the Lipid Oxidation of Rapeseed Oil.
Foods 2021; 10: 2417
Almendinger M.
Methoden der Polymerase-Kettenreaktion zum Nachweis von Pathogenen in Lebensmitteln
Der Lebensmittelbrief 2021; 32: 20-23
Link zur Veröffentlichung
Sandra Grebenteuch, Stefan Klaußnitzer, Lothar W. Kroh und Sascha Rohn
Titel: Veränderung von Aromen aus der Lipidperoxidation durch Zucker und Zuckerabbauprodukte
Seitenzahl: 36
Ausgabe: 02/2021
Link to publication
For the year 2020
Scientific publications
Pleissner D., Lindner A., Ambati RR.
Techniques to control microbial contaminants in non-sterile microalgae cultivation
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2020, 192:1376-1385
Link zur Veröffentlichung
Pleissner D., Smetana S.
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2020, im Druck.
Almendinger M., Rohn S., Pleissner D.
Malt and beer-related by-products as potential antioxidant skin-lightening agents for cosmetics
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2020, 17: 100282
Solovchenko A., Lukyanov A., Ravishankar GA., Pleissner D., Ambati RR.
Recent developments in microalgal conversion of organics-enriched waste streams
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2020, 24: 61-66
Peinemann JC., Rhee C., Shin SG., Pleissner D.
Non-sterile fermentation of food waste with indigenous consortium and yeast – Effects on microbial
community and product spectrum
Bioresource Technology 2020, 306:123175
Pleissner D.
Chances and challenges of the biologization of the economy of rural areas
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2020, 23: 46-49
Pleissner D., Smetana S.
Estimation of the economy of heterotrophic microalgae- and insect-based food waste utilization processes
Waste Management 2020, 102: 198-203
Peinemann CP., Pleissner D.
Continuous pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation of organic residues for the production of biochemicals
Bioresource Technology 2020, 295:122256
Kunz BM., Wanko F., Kemmlein S., Bahlmann A., Rohn S., Maul R.
A rapid multi-mycotoxin LC-MS/MS stable isotope dilution analysis for grain legumes
Food Control 2020; 109: 106949
Schafberg M., Loest K., Müller-Belecke A., Rohn S.
Process effects on the antioxidant activity in a microorganism-enriched diet used for rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) feeding
Aquaculture 2020; 518: 734633
Pivovarova-Ramich O., Markova M., Weber D., Sucher S., Hornemann S., Rudovich N., Raila J., Sunaga-Franze D., Sauer S., Rohn S., Pfeiffer AFH., Grune T.
Effects of diets high in animal or plant protein on oxidative stress in individuals with type 2 diabetes: A randomized clinical trial
Redox Biology 2020; 29: 101397
Markova M., Koelman L., Hornemann S., Pivovarova O., Sucher S., Machann J., Rudovich N., Thomann R., Schneeweiß R., Rohn S., Pfeiffer AFH., Aleksandrova K.
Effects of Plant and Animal High Protein Diets on Immune-Inflammatory Biomarkers: A 6-week Intervention Trial
Clinical Nutrition 2020; 39: 862-869
Oest M., Bindrich U., Voß A., Rohn S.
Rye bread defects – Analysis of the composition and further influence factors as determinants of dry-baking
Foods 2020; 9: 1709
Almendinger M.
Malz – Nicht nur für Bier und Brot
Nutrition-Press 2020; 15: 61-62
Further publications
Lindner AV., Pleissner D.
Verwertung von Abwässern aus einer Olivenöl-Produktion als mögliche zusätzliche Nährstoffquelle für die Mikroalgenkultivierung
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2020, 92, 1224-1224
Sandmann M., Lindner AV., Pleissner D.
Möglichkeiten der Produktivitätssteigerung in der Algenkultivierung
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2020, 92, 1173-1173
Kezeya B., Stauss W., Zocher K., Rohn S., Mergenthaler M.
Potentiale und Perspektiven von Fleisch- und Milchersatzprodukten aus Erbsen-proteinisolaten bei
Lebensmittel-Start-Ups in Deutschland
Forschungsnotizen des Fachbereichs Agrarwirtschaft Soest 2020: No. 33d (2 Seiten, ISSN: 2567-0484)
Kezeya B., Stauss W., Zocher K., Rohn S., Mergenthaler M.
Potentials and perspectives of meat and milk substitutes from pea protein isolates in food start-ups in Germany
Forschungsnotizen des Fachbereichs Agrarwirtschaft Soest 2020; No. 33e (2 Seiten, ISSN: 2567-0484)
Almendinger M., Rohn S., Pleissner D.
Nutzung der Extrusion für innovative Lebensmittel
Der Lebensmittelbrief 2020; 31: 42-43
For the year 2019
Scientific publications
Klopsch R., Baldermann S., Hanschen FS., Voss A., Rohn S., Schreiner M., Neugart S.
Brassica-enriched wheat bread: Unraveling the impact of ontogeny and breadmaking on bioactive secondary plant metabolites of pak choi and kale
Food Chemistry 2019; 295: 412-422
Sevgili H., Sezen S., Yilayaz A., Aktaş Ö., Pak F., Aasen IM., Reitan KI.,Sandmann M., Rohn S., Turan G., Kanyilmaz M.
Apparent nutrient and fatty acid digestibilities of microbial raw materials for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with comparison to conventional ingredients
Algal Research 2019; 42: 101592
Klopsch R., Baldermann S., Voss A., Rohn S., Schreiner M., Neugart S.
Narrow-banded UVB affects the stability of secondary plant metabolites in kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) and pea (Pisum sativum) leaves being added to lentil flour fortified bread: A novel approach for producing functional foods. Foods 2019; 8: 427
For the year 2018
Scientific publications
Klopsch R., Baldermann S., Voß A., Rohn S., Schreiner M., Neugart S.
Bread enriched with legume microgreens and leaves – ontogenetic and baking-driven changes in the profile of secondary plant metabolites.
Frontiers in Chemistry 2018; 6: 322
Schafberg M., Loest K., Meister U., Kurth E., Müller-Belecke A., Rohn S.
Partial fishmeal and oil substitution with a microorganism mix as an innovative diet for rainbow trout (Oncorhinchus mykiss) and pike-perch (Sander lucioperca).
European Food Research & Technology 2018; 244: 127-143
Sandmann M., Schafberg M., Lippold M., Saalfrank F., Rohn S.
Analysis of population structures of the microalga Acutodesmus obliquus during lipid production using multi-dimensional single-cell analysis.
Scientific Reports 2018; 8: Article No. 6242
Further publications
Klopsch R., Voß A.
Sprouts in baking products
Future of baking, ISBN 978-39817514-4-4
Sandmann M., Rohn S.
Mikroalgen – Neue Kosmetiktrends.
Nutrition-Press 2018; 12: 68-69
Rohn S., Sandmann M.
Algen als Zutat in Keksen und Snacks.
Sweets processing 2018; 8 (9-10): 44-45