Value-added network for Brandenburg organic rye as a regional rice alternative
Rye is the most important cereal in organic farming in Brandenburg – also in response to climate change: due to its deep root system, it can cope better with the expected (early) summer drought and irregular rainfall than other cereals. However, the demand for rye lags behind that of wheat, which leads to strong price fluctuations and a surplus. The RyeRice project aims to open up a new sales market for organic rye. The development and marketing of an innovative rice alternative for communal catering in particular can also increase added value in the region.
Risotto and long grain rice made from rye
The main aim of the rye rice project is to create an economically successful value-added network that includes the production of two rye products – risotto rice and long grain rice – as well as a gluten-free alternative, presumably based on oats. The products should be as similar as possible to conventional rice. This requires modern processing techniques and co-operation in product and recipe development with commercial kitchens. The aim is also to strengthen the economic situation of organic farming in the region.
In this project, the Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau Berlin-Brandenburg (FÖL) e.V. is responsible for project management, communication and marketing as well as supporting the canteen kitchens. The Institute for Food and Environmental Research (ILU) e.V. is responsible for research and product development. Bioland Ost e.V. is responsible for agricultural advice and support for the practice partners. Six farms are responsible for production and marketing, while the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder) and Drei Köche GmbH (school caterers) provide support with the market launch.
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028
EIP Directive (European Innovation Partnerships) by the State of Brandenburg
Dr. Sandra Grebenteuch (Lebm.-Chem.)
Leadpartner: Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau Berlin-Brandenburg (FÖL) e.V.; • Bioland Ost e.V.; six farms for production and marketing; Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder) and the Drei Köche GmbH (school caterers) support the market launch