Innovative and integrated value-added concepts for functional food and feed from native grain legumes from cultivation to utilization
The aim of the research project is the efficient and market-oriented production of innovative foodstuffs and ingredients (semi-finished products) on the basis of native legume species such as pea (grain-fodder pea and vegetable pea) and field bean. The entire value chain is taken into account in the development work in order to achieve sustainable development concepts and a high level of consumer acceptance at all levels -from from plant breeding to consumption. With this research approach, the value chain of grain legumes is strengthened and exnded from breeding to to the consumer will be strengthened and extended. A special feature of the project is the cooperation between all stages of the processing chain up to the testing of consumer acceptance and the proof of the nutritional-physiological effect through a clinical study.
Participating research partners besides the ILU e.V. are:
- University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, FG Spez. Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung (FH-SW)
- Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Großbeeren/Erfurt e.V. (IGZ)
- Prof. Dr. Ulf Stahl, TU Berlin, FG Microbiology and Genetics (Mibi)
- TU Berlin, FG Food Biotechnology and Process Technology (LMBT)
- Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim e.V. (ATB)
- German Institute of Human Nutrition, Dept. of Clinical Nutrition, Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE)
Numerous industrial partners contribute their expertise to the project.
Sub-theme: “Development and application of hydrothermal modification process” – Subproject 7
10/2011 - 03/2015
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food
Project manager Dipl.-Ing. Rosemarie Schneeweiß
Listed in the text