The AppleCoal project has started. The kick-off meeting of the project, which is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Consumer Protection (MLEUV), took place on the premises of the Teaching and Research Centre for Horticulture and Arboriculture (LVGA) in Müncheberg. It was led by Martin Almendinger and Maxie Grüter (both on the right) as project coordinators.
The project partners Daniel Kaiser (left) and Andreas Winkler (centre) from the LVGA and Matthias Plöchl from Bioenergie Beratung Bornim GmbH discussed the vision of the project: high-quality biochar is to be produced from plant residues from orchards. The aim is to investigate the effects of biochar on the growth of young trees and to develop sustainable solutions for agriculture.
More about the AppleCoal project: